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Q. Should I register as a single buyer or a corporate account?
A. If you are purchasing a single license for a course that you will take yourself, register as an individual.
If you have fewer than 5 colleagues that will also take the course, EACH should purchase the course individually. Each student can use the same credit card, and there will be no administrative responsibilities as there are with corporate registration (see below).
If you would like to purchase 5 or more licenses in one transaction in order to obtain a group discount, register with a corporate account. BE AWARE that registering with a corporate account will make you the account administrator. You will then assume some administrative responsibilities and need to assign the purchased licenses to the intended students (including yourself). You will be provided detailed instructions on assigning students. Please follow them carefully.
The FDR Materials are protected by the copyright laws of the United States. DUPLICATION OF THE FDR MATERIALS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. No duplication, modification, distribution or other use of the images, texts, programs or other materials is permitted without the express prior written consent of e-ID Training.
e-ID Training disclaims all warranties regarding the contents of this site and shall not be liable for any loss, damage, injury, claim, or otherwise, whether an action in contract or tort and shall further not be liable for any lost profits, or direct, indirect, special, punitive, or consequential damages of any kind (including without limitation, attorneys’ fees and expenses. Although e-ID Training has attempted to provide accurate information, it makes no guarantee or warranty, express or implied, as to the reliability, accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of that information and assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions therein. e-ID Training may modify or discontinue publication of FDR Materials at any time without prior notice and without obligation to advise prior users of these materials. e-ID Training does not represent, warrant or guarantee that the FDR Materials are free of any virus or error.
Purchaser hereby releases e-ID Training from any liability of any kind associated with the content of the FDR materials, or errors, viruses or similar conditions in any manner through which user access these materials, and agrees to hold harmless e-ID Training and their officers, directors, agents, employees and assigns from and against any cause of action or claim, including court costs, expenses and attorney fees, related to or arising from conduct that violates the terms of use set forth above.
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The leader in IRS-approved and CPE-accredited fraud training.